Town Treasurer

Tax Information For 2020 Property Taxes payments
Tax payments are ONLY accepted in check form! If you would like a receipt, you MUST provide a self-addressed stamped envelope! Please include a phone number on your check or payment stub so I can contact you if there are any questions! Otherwise your payment may not be timely! DO NOT deliver taxes to my door! They will not be accepted.

  1. Mail your payment: Kathy Twardokus, N5952 Pierce Rd., Mayville, WI 53050
  2. Drop Box: At N5952 Pierce Rd, Mayville (separate red box near house labeled “DROP BOX”)
  3. In-person Collection: There will be NO in-person collecting this year

    Dog Owners:
    ALL dogs over 5 months need to be licensed. A current COPY of rabies vaccination certificate MUST BE provided to me before a license can be issued.
    Land Notification link –
    What is Land Notification? The Land Notification system gives you the ability to monitor a name or a specific parcel of land for property real estate activity. You can create one or more alerts that are triggered when real estate records for the name or property identified in the alert are recorded within the Dodge County Register of Deeds office. When an alert is triggered, an email will be sent to the email address provided in the alert. The email will contain more information about the activity and will have a link to LandShark, our county on-line property records system.
    How much does it cost? Nothing. There is no cost to the user.
    How do I sign up? There will be a link to Land Notification placed on the Dodge County Register of Deeds office webpage where you can sign up.
    Wisconsin Property Tax Credits:
    For more info about property tax credits available in Wisconsin including Lottery and Gaming Credit, First Dollar Credit and School Levy Tax Credit, visit Department of Revenue Property Tax Relief Credits page:
    If you did not get the Lottery credit on your tax bill:
  • If you do not return the signed form to our office stating this is your primary residence, you will not get the credit
  • If you did not qualify in the previous year, but qualify the current year, you can call the County Treasurers Office and request a form to sign and return it to our office
  • A late claim can be filed with the County Treasurer until January 3st and will be deducted from your taxes due.
  • After the January 31st due date, you can obtain a special form to apply for the lotter claim through the State. This can be done until October 1st of the current year. Information and forms are available online at: Wisconsin Department of Revenue: Wisconsin Lottery and Gaming Credit Program